In this section : Ear, Nose and Throat
Management of Epistaxis
Sore Throat Differential Diagnosis
Dizziness Differential Diagnosis
Peritonsillar Abscess/Quinsy
Acute Tonsillitis
Acute Mastoiditis
Otitis Media
Otitis Externa
WoS Paediatric Drooling and Aspiration Guideline
Voice clinic
Ear Wax
Admitting Patients with Tracheostomy/Laryngectomy to DGRI
Emergency Laryngectomy Management
Emergency Tracheostomy Management
Safe Transfer of Patients with Tracheostomy/Laryngectomy within DGRI
Other Tracheostomy Documents
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Voice clinic
Last updated 12th October 2023
Direct referrals
Direct referrals to the voice clinic will be accepted if your patient (adult or child) has any of the following symptoms:
1). Voice problems
- Hoarse voice for over three weeks
- Intermittent voice changes for three months or more
- Voice problems secondary to neurological causes – such as Parkinson’s, CVA, TIA, MG
- Any professional voice user with concerns
- Vocal tract or neck discomfort associated with voice use
- Patients who have received voice therapy and are still having ongoing problems or concerns
2). Airway problems
- Unexplained choking on liquids or fluids
- Aspiration
- Concerns over ‘restricted’ airway, after Respiratory review
- Airway or voice problems noted at or secondary to intubation or surgery
- Patients requiring pre-operative vocal cord check before thyroidectomy
3). Chronic cough / throat clearing
- Chronic refractory cough, not due to respiratory cause (Please refer to Respiratory Physicians first)
- Chronic throat clearing for over 8 weeks
Exclusion Criteria
Patients with suspected cancer, especially if heavy smoker, chronic throat and ear pain, lymphadenopathy and/or weight loss should be referred direct to the Head and Neck Clinic.