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Acute Severe Ulcerative Colitis
Last updated 10th October 2024
Initial Management
- Contact [email protected] if inpatient advice required from Gastroenterology Team.
- Patient to be referred to IBD MDT (meets every Thursday) – Please complete – Gastroenterology IBD MDT referral form
Criteria for Diagnosis
- ≥6 bloody stools/day and systemic toxicity with at least one of: –
- temp >37.8
- HR >90/min
- Hb <105g/l
- CRP >30
Consider Other Causes of Bloody Diarrhoea
- Bacterial infection (Clostridium difficile; Campylobacter; Salmonella; Shigella; E Coli 0157)
- Viral infection (whether immunocompromised)
- Diverticular disease (diverticulitis)
- Ischaemic colitis
- Crohn’s disease
- Amoebiasis (? history of travel)
Initial investigations
- Daily FBC, U&E, LFTs, serum albumin, glucose, CRP
- Additional bloods on admission – calcium, phosphate, magnesium,haematinics (iron, B12 and folate)
- Urgent stool culture and C diff Toxin – minimum of 4 stool samples required to detect 90% cases.
- Stool chart for frequency, consistency, blood and volume
- Abdominal Xray to exclude colonic dilatation – toxic megacolon if colon >5.5cm or caecum >9cm
- Flexible sigmoidoscopy and biopsy within 24 hours of admission, with histology by 5 days to confirm diagnosis and exclude CMV
Acute Severe Ulcerative Colitis Pathway
Maintenance of Remission
- Patients with UC should normally receive maintenance therapy with aminosalicylates, azathioprine or mercaptopurine to reduce risk of relapse
- Oral Mesalazine 2.4g bd is recommended as first line therapy
- Topical Mesalazine 1g daily may be used in distal disease ± oral mesalazaine though patients less likely to be compliant
- Long term treatment with steroids is unacceptable – consider steroid sparing medication (Thiopurines, AntiTNF) if becoming steroid dependent
Surgery for Acute Severe Ulcerative Colitis
- 20-30% patients will ultimately require surgery
- The operation of choice for acute severe colitis failing to respond to intensive medical treament is subtotal colectomy, end ileostomy and preservation of a long rectal stump
- Failure to heal and sepsis are common in patients on high doses of steroids, but if these can be avoided/dealt with then surgery is curative
Risk of Colonic Carcinoma
- Patients with extensive colitis (extending proximal to splenic flexure) are at risk
- Surveillance colonoscopies recommended yearly, 3 yearly or 5 yearly according to degree of risk – increased if family history colon cancer or presence of primary sclerosing cholangitis
Content updated by Dr Zahra Bayaty